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Sci-Fi / average ratings: 7,6 of 10 / / writer: Ryan Coogler / Director: Ryan Coogler / score: 586404 votes

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Rest In Peace Chadwick we will always love you... ❤️. Watch Czarna Pantera Movie Online Free Without Signing up artist.

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I'm so sad we will never get more Chadwick/T'Challa in the MCU. I loved that character so much and it really felt like it was just the beginning for him. Especially not having Cap or Tony anymore, the roster feels a little forlorn without him... Watch Czarna Pantera Movie Online Free Without Signing up paddle. After finally watching the movie I'm incredibly disappointed. I don't understand how this is so highly praised by both critics and audiences.
I cringed throughout most of the movie. Let's leave aside all the plot holes and other nonsense. I found the portrayal of black people in this movie downright insulting.
The movie is desperately trying to be PC. But the superior black Wakandan race in the movie is insanely stereotypical. I mean, skip all the weird nonsense about this superior, warrior, genius race of black people hiding all their superior tech from the "colonizers" and others.
From the accents to the dancing it's revoltingly insultinging towards black people. It's like some white dude thought of the most stereotypical stuff he could imagine about black people. Then watched a few documentaries about remote African tribes and mixed them all together. I was waiting for them to start yelling "UGA BUGA" it was insane. The only reason why this movie isn't slammed into the ground for being incredibly tackles, is because the black people in this imaginary country are basically a superior race. But for some reason they still fight with spears, have stereotypical accents, bones trough their noses and plates trough their lips, as if they are some backward tribe. Why don't they have guns? Why the accents? No other group of people in these super hero movies have such accents. Thor doesn't speak with a stereotypical Norse accent and his people aren't all white. Why do they base their king on who is the strongest? Why do they constantly do weird stereotypical dances with literally everything. Every time they all meet everyone starts to shake their body while making weird noises, barking etc.

OK... Humor me for a second. Imagine if they make a movie about an Asian hero and call it "yellow tiger. The hero comes from a superior Asian race and their culture is a mix of the most stereotyped parts of all kinds of different Asian peoples and they all speak "Engrish" with a heavy "Asian" accent, walk around in straw hats, bow after every sentence etc etc. Can you imagine how insulting that would be for Asians?

Also movie takes this weird American idea of "black people" like all black people are the same ethnicity / group. Eventhough, like Europeans, Asians, MENA people's they are all different people with different cultures, traditions, languages and values.

I cringed trough every second of this movie. They could have made the Wakandans distinctly African without having to resort to dumb stereotypes.
HO and this one part was INSANE. The Wakandans don't want to help other black Africans or humans in general (but they emphasize black people. Because they don't want refugees and don't want their country to become "like anywhere else in the world" paraphrasing. So much for multi culturalism, humanism and helping those less fortunate.

Watch Czarna Pantera Movie Online Free Without Signing ups. R.I.P Chadwick Boseman R.I.P he will always be the king of wakanda forever. Rest easy king as you would say “Wakanda forever! ” 😞✊🏾. Watch Czarna Pantera Movie Online Free Without Signing upon. “As you can see, I am not dead” Words we all wished we could hear right now. Thank you for everything youve done for kids, and those who are kids at heart. RIP. 0:19 How much more are you hiding. Stage 3 colon cancer, apparently. What a freaking boss, filming through all that. The man was a beast and he was part of creating something great.

It's been a long time, I am pretty much satisfied with any comic movie after seeing disasters in Batman V Superman, Civil War. Black Panther amazing character and a new crush for all girls I am damn sure. That how short life is, chadwick you've left something more then amemory, the smile on your face during your interview, the laughter with your friends lupita and michael. R.I.P we will always remember you. So sad Chadwick passed. This movie did such a good job showing the battle between black philosophy regarding what Europeans did to Africa. Wakanda let the trans-Atlantic-slave trade happen and decided not to intervene to preserve its own inner sanctity. Kilmongers was left to the wastelands of the world while everyone else lived merrily.

Rip he actually died yesterday in real life he will always be our Black Panther. Only true king that I praise long live the king T'Challa. Watch Czarna Pantera Movie Online Free Without Signing up for ever. Watch Czarna Pantera Movie Online Free Without Signing upmc. Watch Czarna Pantera Movie Online Free Without Signing up and listen. OMG IM IN LOVE WITH BLACK PANTHER EVER SINCE I WAS LITTLE AND NOW THIS MOVIE COMES OUT ITS AMAZING IM GONNA HAVE A HEART ATTACK OMG OMG I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH AND PANTHERS TOO OMG.

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